How to deal with a broken condom

If a condom breaks during sex, don’t panic and follow these steps:

  1. Stop what you're doing.
  2. Withdraw.
  3. Take the broken condom off.
  4. Put on a new condom.
  5. Continue having sex.
  6. Book an STI test as soon as you can and consider emergency contraception.

Do I need an STI test?

A broken condom means you and the person you're having sex with have probably been exposed to each other’s body fluids. It's important to get tested as soon as you can.

Remember, STI testing is quick, easy and will give you both peace of mind knowing you're free from infection.

Do I need emergency contraception?

If you're worried about an unplanned pregnancy, you can buy the morning after pill at a chemist without needing a prescription.

Read more about contraception methods on the Queensland Health website.

Watch the video below to learn more about taking the morning after pill.

The emergency contraception pill, or the morning-after pill, can be used to reduce the chance of pregnancy after unprotected sex. This might occur after condom breakage, missed contraceptive pills, if no contraception was used, a dislodged diaphragm, or non-consensual sex. The pill contains high levels of the hormone progesterone that is absorbed into the blood. These hormones act on the pituitary gland at the base of the brain to stop or delay ovulation. They can also cause a temporary change to the lining of the uterus to prevent a fertilized egg from being implanted.

Emergency contraception is most effective when taken within 24 hours of having unprotected sex, but some can be taken up to 96 hours after. It is usually given as a single tablet and is available over-the-counter at pharmacies without a prescription. It is also available from your GP, sexual health clinic, or reproductive health service. After taking emergency contraception, it is recommended to have another appointment with a GP, sexual health clinic, or reproductive health service for a follow-up pregnancy test, to discuss possibly testing for STIs, and longer-term contraception options.

Do I need a pregnancy test?

You should do a pregnancy test if you've missed a period.

HIV emergency treatment

If you think you've been exposed to HIV, you can use post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) to lower the risk of infection becoming established in your body. PEP is a course of antiviral medicine that you take over 28 days.

You should start taking PEP immediately after being exposed to HIV. If you can't take it immediately, you must start taking PEP within 72 hours to prevent HIV infection.

Search for a PEP emergency treatment service provider on the Queensland Government website.